Hey everyone! I figured I'd make a news post to keep you, the reader, updated on what I've been keeping myself busy with the last few days.
I've been working on a game called HOT PEPPERONI OUTBREAK. This is a 2D top-down roguelike shooter, with a focus on feelin GUCCI!!
Been working on this game for a few weeks now and have recently played with the idea of keeping a dev log of this game. Mostly for friends, but I figured maybe ppl here would be interested, too. You can find the, atm two, video's here, if you're interested in following along.
This is my first time keeping a devlog, so I dunno how frequently they'll come out. Or if this game will even be finished any time soon, especially with summer vacation being over. I'll have to start looking for a job soon because oopsie poopsie imma big boi now. I will try to keep working on the game however and maybe post some totally radical drawings from time to time!
Thanks for reading this update and have a rad ass day!
Byebyeee!! ✌️
I can't wait to play it! <3
Thank youu!! I'm looking forward to Skate And Die on ur end, too!