Recently i hit 20 fans(22 rn lol im late) and it's honestly rly cool. I already said that just having 1 fan is touching, so having my fan count doubled to 20 since my last post is amazing. Its a crazy concept to really think about and realize. Thank you for engaging with my work, believing in me and wanting to see more. I will keep delivering the goods!!
I haven't been posting as much so i wanna give an update, bc it feels a bit weird to just keep silent. Im sorry for the silence!!
Recently I released workflow!! And man im still recovering from that bc that game ate all my time, im not good at work balance lol. Im happy with the reception tho, 3/5 stars are good results! Thank you for the engagement, i will keep feedback in mind and improve on whatever my next game will be! It will be a MASTERPIECE
On top of workflow, ive recently graduated! Its been pretty epic, but has also been keeping me busy with all the after-parties lol
But i should be free now! Ill get back into things soon, ive let my creative flame rest for long enough lol
Thank you for the patience! And thanks for reading this, i dont rly know if people will read this?(ng isnt that good at letting u know ur favs posted news ngl) But its nice to break the silence imo, it feels a bit cold otherwise. Anyway, have a nice day you!
Byebye ✌️
Congratulations and keep it up!